
Scuba Diving in Honduras

Week 9 – Utila, Honduras

Week 9 turned into two weeks of scuba diving in Honduras on the island of Utila. With each diving company offering the same packages with varying prices it was hard to choose. Some had better living facilities than others. We ended up at Alton Diving School which had its negatives and positives.

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Choosing the Right Dive School

Altons dive shop building with the road
Alton’s Dive School

Once we were through the door it did feel like a cash grab from then on in. I completed my open water course and because of the experience, I had I opted not to go onto my advanced course as most people on the island do. The overall experience at Alton’s Dive School was average at best. The equipment looked better than its competitors and it also provided guests with a kitchen to use. (definitely not the cleanest or nicest). However, a great way to keep food costs down.

The rooms can have up to 4 people in and aren’t very big but they are basic and you get what you pay for. We managed to sneak the water from the college at was there but Alton’s does not provide fresh drinking water, this cost can add up. The experience is what you make it and for me, it was about taking a break from the open road.

Unfortunately, it’s a Negative Experience

Sunset at scuba diving in Honduras
Sunset at Alton’s Dive School

So far it’s been a negative review but there wasn’t that much to sing home about. It was basic. I had an instructor who cared more about his jokes than us, yet my friend had a great instructor and she enjoyed her time in the courses that she did. So, again whether or not you will enjoy the course depends on your instructor.

The location is good as it is at one end of the strip so away from the party scene so if you do fancy an early night it’s possible. As Utila is one main street it’s not far to go to the bars and restaurants. When you are here a day trip to Water Cay is worthwhile. The crystal blue waters and golden sand made for a perfect day. to catch a tan and snorkel.

The Real Downside

The real downside to scuba diving in Honduras is the diving itself. This is something that is beyond Alton’s control. There is the lack of sea life in the waters. The causes are overfishing, eating sharks, and the amount of rubbish swimming through the water. All in all a cheap place to get your certifications but not a great destination. I feel like I would love to spend a little more money and be able to enjoy the location as well as the diving. I feel like this island has seen its heyday for diving, unfortunately.

Next week we enter a new country and you can read about it here!

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