Ayers Rock Tour – 3-Day Adventure in the Australian Outback

Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links meaning I earn a small percentage of every purchase at no cost to you.

This was the last tour of my 2015 backpacking adventure, The rock tour to Uluru. It was a three-day tour that started and finished in Alice Springs in the Northern Territory, Australia. The company was very professional, prepared, and gave us as much food as we could eat. I find normally on tours you just get the one serving but here you could eat what you would like. We never ran out of food. There was plenty for everyone. If you are a budget backpacker like myself then you know to take full advantage of this.

If this doesn’t suit you then there are plenty of other ways to see Uluru, just like this three-day tour. Also, day trips are an option such as Field of light. You can even see it by air!!

Uluru Ayers Rock Tour – Day 1:

Off we set into the Australian outback. We had plenty of kilometres to cover before our first destination. Our guide for the trip was very friendly and full of jokes. His attitude and positivity lasted the whole trip. I was lucky again as the members of the group were all nice. Everyone was chatting (well later on). We did get on the bus before sunrise after all.

After, driving for hours we reached a camel farm. A welcome break to stretch your legs and use the facilities. You get a free ride on a camel… well included in the price of the trip. However, I have been on a camel before and it wasn’t pleasant. It is something, I can say I have done. Yet, I won’t do it again.

The outback is so vast you can just see flat land for miles upon miles. We eventfully saw Uluru for the first time. The rock appears in different shades of red/orange throughout the day. Firstly, we drove around the perimeter. Next, we hiked 8 km around it on foot. The walk was flat so no achy muscles or shortness of breath. Also, you can opt to climb up to the top when I was there in 2015. I am not sure if this is still the case. However, I chose not to. It is a sacred site for the aboriginals.

Sunset over Ayers Rock, Uluru

Sunset over Ayers Rock on the Ayers Rock Tour, Northern Territory, Australia
The Ever Changing Colour of Ayers Rock

As the sunset over the rock, the colour changed. The group and I sipped champagne as the sun faded behind Uluru. What a great start to the three-day tour. Under the darkness of the stars, we set up our swags for the night around the campfire. Our home for the night was directly under the stars. There was no light pollution around us. The stars were out in full force. The brightest I have ever seen them. Also, the southern cross was clear as day.

Uluru Ayers Rock Tour – Day 2:

The day started before sunrise (again). Normally I would not awake before sunrise. Yet, I couldn’t wait to start the day. It was a fresh, cold morning so we all made hot chocolate to warm us up. Before setting off we had to make lunch and pack up camp. The first stop of the day was to watch the sunrise over Uluru. This was extremely pretty. Yet another colour change to the rock. Who doesn’t love the sun rising or setting?


Me at Kata Tjuta known as the valley of the wind hike on the Ayers Rock Tour in Uluru
The Valley of The Winds

We went to the Kata Tjuta (this means many heads). We completed an 8 km walk across rocky terrain and down into the valley of the wind. The uniqueness of the rock here was so pretty. You can see where the wind is so strong and the erosion happens. The walk in the valley was incredible.

After using all my energy, it was time to try the camel burgers for lunch. They were very tasty. The second half of the day was a long drive around 300 km. Yes, 300 km. After that long drive, we arrived at King’s Canyon. Well, a campsite near it at least.

Our Final Dinnertime…

The food the whole trip had been incredible and this was no exception. Kangaroo steaks, potatoes, and bush bread. Bush bread contains beer instead of milk and is cooked over an open fire. During the tour, we were split into two groups to complete chores each evening. As the evening drew to a close, we enjoyed stargazing and roasting marshmallows.

Me roasting marshmallows over on open fire at the King's Canyon campground on the Ayers Rock Tour in Uluru
Roasting Marshmallows on an Open Fire

The stars tonight were even more impressive than last night if that’s even possible. It was a treat to sleep under them for a second night. However, I was more scared this night… why? You are just sleeping out in the open. Yes, that’s right the open where a dingo had just passed through, right before bed.


Uluru Ayers Rock Tour – Day 3:

Finally, our last awakening before sunrise. Again, a chilly morning. However, everybody was safe and no one was taken by a dingo.

The King's Canyon Rim Hike at King's Canyon in the outback of Australia
The Sandstone Erosion by The Strong Winds

Okay… so we all knew the routine by now and quickly we were on the road. We were heading straight to King’s Canyon. On today’s agenda was: hiking. The hike started with a straight steep hill before walking around the rim of the valley. The steep hill is nicknamed ‘heart attack hill’. I feel that is the right nickname as it was no easy task.

Especially, as you could start to feel the heat from the rising sun. King’s Canyon can reach temperatures where it is deemed unsafe to walk around the canyon. The views were gorgeous, no matter which way you looked. You couldn’t go wrong. There was a slight wind however this was a blessing as it slightly cools you. The sun glares down on you the whole way, there is no shade to take refuge in. And just like that, the four-hour hike was over. All that was left on this tour was…

The Final Drive…

The final afternoon was a lot of driving as we made our way back to Alice Springs. We arrived safely and all in one piece. I guess very tired after all the sunrise missions. The whole tour was great and I would definitely recommend doing one as a solo traveller. You get to meet fellow travellers and hear their stories. As well as making connections with new people from across the globe. What a worry-free tour!!

Australia has plenty of group tours available all over the country. Read about my trip to Fraser Island.

What Happens on the Amazing 3-day Fraser Island Tour?

Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links meaning I earn a small percentage of every purchase at no cost to you.

The beautiful Fraser Island is listed as a World Heritage Island located off the southern region of Queensland. The largest sandbar island that stretches a total of 123 km in length and 22 km in width. A very popular tourist destination for families and young backpackers. So, after driving up from Sydney on our Australian Road Trip. We went on a Fraser Island Tour. A three-day trip across to Fraser Island, where we didn’t have to drive. What a welcome relief.

Fraser Island Tour Day 1: Lake Birrabeen – Lake Wabby

So, this day was eventful. Our first day on Fraser Island. We chose the tour with the self-driving 4×4 jeeps. There was a total of 4 jeeps with about 6/8 people in each. With the groups sorted the night before, we just had to load the jeeps and hit the road. It felt so good not having to drive. A short ferry ride over, we were ready for a new adventure.

First Stop of the Trip Lake Birrabeen…

Here, we had our lunch by the gorgeous lake. This lake has white sand lining the shores, cool crystal-clear water. However, this differs slightly as it sits above sea level. It is a collection of rainwater with no streams or rivers. A perched lake. What is amazing, is that all organic matter is filtered out. So, you won’t find any living things in the water. How crazy!!

When we were ready to move on… there was a problem. One of the jeeps wouldn’t start. So, with the guide, we raced back to the ferry to collect another jeep. The speed was faster than the drive out to Lake Birrabeen but so much more fun. As we hit the bumpy sandy road. The 4×4 driving that I am used to.

An Afternoon at Lake Wabby…

Lake Wabby and the sand dunes on the Fraser Island Tour
The Rolling Sand Dunes into Lake Wabby

Well… after the detour put us kind of, of schedule. We still made our way to Lake Wabby. Again, a perched dune lake just like the 40 other lakes on Fraser Island. However, this is the deepest at 11.4 metres and the least acidic. Plenty of life in this lake so don’t be surprised if something swims against you. This lake is surrounded by giant sand dunes which one day will fill the emerald-colored lake. This place was fun as you can roll down the bank and go swimming… well if you are me, get pushed into the water!! The group were all getting along and were all laid back.

Due to all the commotion with the jeep. We found ourselves finishing the long walk back in the dark with minimal light sources between us. Normally, the group would be safe at camp by now. However, despite the non-optimal conditions, we made it back only with a few stumped toes.

Luckily, the camp was already set up. So, dinner, drinks, and fun before bed rounded off a great day. What a fun start to the Fraser Island Tour!

Fraser Island Tour Day 2: Shipwreck – Champagne Pools – Indian Head – Eli Creek

The shipwreck on 75- Mile Beach in Australia on the Fraser Island Tour
The Shipwreck

The second day was action-packed. Starting our day driving to the shipwreck along the famous 75-mile beach. A pure sand beach that runs for a whopping 75 miles. An old ship who couldn’t beat the unbelievable strong currents in the sea at Fraser Island lays here. This shipwreck gets buried deeper in the sand with each passing year. One day it will be completely buried if it is not already. The sea here is way too dangerous to swim in because of the waves and currents. Also, due to the likelihood of sharks swimming around. Great White Sharks to be precise.

A Relax in the Champagne Pools…

The Champagne Pool on Fraser Island Tour on the East Coast of Australia
The Relaxing Champagne Pools

After, a long walk in the sun across an easy boardwalk you reach these awesome pools of water. They are heated nicely from the sun. As well as, a rock wall that protects you from the sea. Plus, these cool organisms live on the rocks and you press them and out squirts water… a mini water gun!

A viewpoint at Indian Head…

Indian Head is a viewpoint which looks over the sea. It was a small climb up but nothing dangerous. One part is a sacred site for the aboriginals so don’t be that person and climb all over it! However, there were some people who clearly didn’t listen. The view across the bay was insane. When I think of Australia I think about beaches like this. The golden sand between your toes. The waves in the sea. Imagining you can surf them all. I can’t surf, so my imagination is all I have here. The water is so clear that we were able to see a Minke Whale swim on through. My first ever Whale. Exciting.

Floating Down the Eli Creek…

My friends and I floating down Eli Creek's lazy river on the Fraser Island.
Floating Down Eli Creek Lazy River

Yep. This island even has a lazy river. Simply, walk to the start, plop yourself in the water and float on down. If you are like me, you will do it again and again. I love being in the water. It wasn’t that quick and quite shallow but still relaxing. The sun was still out. My tan was coming along nicely. Bliss.

Our Final Night…

So, we cooked dinner as our mini-group. Basically, each 4×4 was in charge of their own food and drink. You purchase it all then bring it over with you. Make sure you bring enough to drink! We ate another good dinner and the drinks were following nicely… too nicely some might say.

We are all having fun and the next minute one of the girls ran out screamed… it’s only 10 pm. Yes everyone was way past drunk including me by 10 pm. You see when on the island you really don’t have any concept of time… we weren’t glued to our phones. This was nice. It felt like a total disconnect from the world. You could almost pretend you were on a deserted island but with others, food and transport.

The night of drinking continued. But, as it got chilly, we went into the back of the 4×4 and that’s when the dingos came. Dingos can be described as wild dogs but here on Fraser Island, they aren’t scared of humans. The group who were on the beach came back and scared them all off. Phew.

Fraser Island Tour Day 3: Lake Mackenzie – Kingfisher Bay

The crystal clear waters and white sandy shoreline of Lake Mackenzie on Fraser
The Beautiful Waters of Lake Mackenize

The final day and the final lake. Lake Mackenzie. Wow! This is breath-taking. The crystal-clear freshwater was amazing. This is the most visited lake on the island. When you see it with your own eyes it’s easy to why. The picture-perfect white sand squeaking beneath your feet. The water was a nice 22 degrees and refreshing. A perfect spot to relax for the last morning on Fraser Island.

Kingfisher Bay…

At long last, we arrived at Kingfisher Bay. The ferry port to get back across the water. Hungover from the night before and about to get on the ferry… I wasn’t feeling great. Plus, I get seasick. The ferry ride back over wasn’t a bundle of laughs for me. I hung out at the back praying not to be sick.

Finally, back on land. What a fun-filled three days on the Fraser Island Tour, non-stop laughter. However, after no shower, I was happy to freshen up and sleep away the hangover. I definitely, recommend booking the tour for this one. You can just kick back and drink all day. Unless you want to drive obviously.

Australia has plenty of group tours available all over the country. I even did the Ayers rock tour.