Stories From Mexico

Week 1 – Mexico City to Oaxaca City

Wow. This doesn’t feel real. I have waited two years to step foot in Mexico. The emotions and overwhelming feeling of being able to travel again; will be something I will never take for granted. This trip was to see if travelling is still in my blood. Whether it was time to settle down or to keep on exploring. So, this adventure starts with stories from Mexico and it will continue through Central America where only time will tell what my future will hold.

Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links meaning I earn a small percentage of every purchase at no cost to you.

We start this week off in Mexico City. A long-haul flight. Jet lag…I forgot how it felt. I don’t know why but I really suffer from it when flying East. I was definitely feeling the jet lag and mixing that with inconsiderate roomies (hostel dorm room) meant survival on little sleep. However, there was no time to rest. I was more than ready to experience everything Mexico had to offer.

Stories From Mexico City

A Mexican flag flying
Mexican Flag Flying

Mexico City is a vast, hustling, and charming place. Like every good backpacker attending a free walking tour is a good way to get your bearings and learn about a place. Strolling through these magnificent old Spanish buildings and listening to the stories of how these came to be. It did something; it re-ignited the passion in me, the passion for travelling. Despite the lack of sleep, I was happy to feel full freedom again.

Don’t get me wrong the nerves were there. Yet, with each passing day, they started to settle down. The nerves come from entering the unknown. However, it wasn’t long before I found my travelling legs again. It all came back just like riding a bike. The ways to keep safe, the know-how to haggle, or just finding top places to visit. My knowledge of doing hadn’t left me during the last two years but my confidence did.

With each passing day, my confidence came back almost like it just needed to be dusted off.

Next, It Was Time for Puebla City

A beautiful coulorful street full of houses
The colourful Streets of Puebla

With my confidence dusted off, it was time to move on from the hustle of Mexico City to a nice quieter town. This meant my confidence could grow even more. Puebla City was very charming and beautiful. The rows of colourful houses. The locals filled the streets to celebrate Holy Friday. This experience right here, witnessing a truly local celebration is one of the many reasons I travel. It was all about getting lost in these streets which makes this place special and definitely worth a visit. Unfortunately, we only stayed the night but wished I stayed for another one.

The Week Ended in Oaxaca City

This crazy city was where our first hiccup happened. Sometimes you book a bad hostel even though it has the best reviews. This was exactly what we did here. After, much back and back with a very rude member of staff we were offered some money back and left. However, due to this experience, we learnt to cross-reference the reviews. Another tip I would give if you can book directly with the hostel. Although, we were off to a bad start in this city that soon changed as we explored.


Exploring The Surrounding Area

ME standing looking over the valley from my stories from Mexico
Hierve el Agua

The ‘Hierve el Agua’ was quite the journey to get to. A bus that didn’t show up for 2 hours to a crammed trip up the mountain in a back of a pickup. This is what makes backpacking on a budget unique. These experiences. These stories you are left with to tell. You know… do you remember when we got 11 fully grown adults into a back of a 4×4 pickup? The unthinkable, the unimaginable. The crazy ones or the ones that are just too funny not to share. The memories that will always be cherished.

To Summarise The First Week

Stories from Mexico would be eye-opening, a wake-up call that backpacking on a budget comes with good and bad experiences but each one will shape you in a way only travelling can. It was a full first week always moving the way I like it for now. Travelling is still in my blood.

New travel journey entries will happen as time goes by so click here to discover more!

2-Week Adventure Backpacking in Nicaragua

Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links meaning I earn a small percentage of every purchase at no cost to you.

This blog is about my 2-week adventure backpacking in Nicaragua. Again, as always I choose my destinations based on my interests. And so should you. This country was beautiful, eye-opening, and magnificent all rolled into one. This country truly touched me. In my opinion, this blog covers the most beautiful places in Nicaragua.

Magnificent Leon – 2 Nights

So, our first stop in Nicaragua was the city of Leon. We arrived at midnight by shared tourist shuttle from Honduras. It just made the border crossing a little easier by having someone do it for you. This place you can just wander around and take in the culture. The best place to stop by is the Cathedral. Remember to go to the roof for the best view. It was too wet when we were there so we missed it.

Me getting ready to sandboard down the side of a volcano
Volcano Boarding

The main reason backpackers stop by here is for the volcano boarding. Yes, you slide down an active volcano (US$35) on a plank of wood. Yes, it does sound crazy but it sure as hell is fun. Don’t worry you can easily control your speed, not that you will want to!

Rough and Ready Managua – 1 night

This capital city is a little rough around the edges and I wouldn’t really recommend a stop here. Travelling around Nicaragua on the local buses is easy because vendors yell out their destinations. Yet, don’t expect a bus to leave straight away because they only leave when they are as full or near to full. Therefore, you need to allow extra travel time for this.

However, stopping in Managua is convenient if you need to get some shopping done. Also, the capital is the main hub for flights over to the Corn Islands. This is something we missed as the weather wasn’t going to be great. Although, after speaking to other travelers; they didn’t regret visiting these Caribbean Islands on the coast of Nicaragua. They do look pretty untouched and impressive.

Lively Granada – 3 Nights

A old dirty looking church
The Church in Granada

In the bustling, colourful streets of Granada, there were street markets, historic buildings, and Lake Nicaragua. Also, this town is a good hub for day trips. Unfortunately, with it being the green season and raining every day all day whilst I was there most of the activities were called off. Normally, you can go swimming in a crater lake, see magma from an active volcano, and party hard at the famous Treehouse Hostel.

Beautiful Ometepe – 3 Nights

yellow circular sun over the shadow of Volcan Conception during 2-week adventure backpacking Nicaragua
Sunset over Volcan Conception

This beautiful island is made up of two volcanoes; the main one is Volcan Conception. It is possible to hike both volcanoes however in the middle of the green season it is not recommended. We did hire a scooter for a day (US$18). A scooter is definitely needed to visit the key sites as places of interest are all spread out over the island.

There are plenty of places such as having a swim at Ojo de Agua, Hiking to San Ramon waterfall, and exploring nature at Charco Verde. Also, you can relax at El Pital which is known for its chocolate and great views of Volcan Conception. Lastly, you can chill at ‘the beach’ at Punta Jesus and watch the sun go down.


Laid-back San Juan del Sur – 4 Nights

San Juan del Sur is a place to chill out and take it easy for a few days. This is an ideal stop with great surf for you surfers out there. There is plenty of companies to choose from for surf lessons. I had some lessons at Alex’s Surf Shop. These were okay, helpful more for a private one. Also, after lesson they let you enjoy more waves or lounge in the sun for an hour.

I hope you enjoyed the highlights of my 2-week adventure backpacking in Nicaragua. Please click here for more adventures.

A 2-Week Itinerary Through Costa Rica

Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links meaning I earn a small percentage of every purchase at no cost to you.

This is a 2-week itinerary through Costa Rica, so, please use it as a guide to help you plan your perfect adventure. I spent time researching all the places I have visited and chose the final destinations based on your interests. This is something I would recommend you do too. Everyone is different therefore we all enjoy and see things differently. I hope this inspires you. If you don’t fancy going alone check out this tour!

Amazing Playas Del Coco – 2 Nights

A brown sand beach, a great stop on a 2-week itinerary through Coast Rica
Playas Del Coco

Wow, what can I say about this cute beach bay? It has gorgeous views. The bay is lined with lush green jungle. Therefore, I spent my time relaxing on the beach in the sun. This place has some really good scuba diving spots which my friend did. The first spot was local and the fish were plentiful. The next location was further out at a place called Bat Island where there were bull sharks among other sealife. If you are a keen scuba diver definitely stop by here!

Intense Liberia – 1 Night

This was a good spot just to rest our heads for the night. I wouldn’t really recommend the city as such. I didn’t feel completely safe after dark. The city looked run down but the church was very beautiful. It was only a quick stop for us so I cannot recommend any of the national parks around there as we didn’t visit any.

The Beautiful La Fortuna – 3 Nights

me and a fast flowing river with a small waterfall drop
River Rope Swing

This beautiful jungle area is home to the biggest volcano I have seen. Volcan Arenal. Therefore, I cannot recommend this as a stop for your backpacking adventures enough. It is also home to La Fortuna waterfall another place worth your time. For a bit of fun, there is a rope swing into the river and some free hot springs to relax in. Also, take a tour of the hanging bridges to see epic wildlife or a walk through the sloth park to spot the elusive sloths. There is plenty on offer in this town but these activities do come with a big price tag.

Lush Green Monteverde – 3 Nights

Santa Elena cloud forest showing its misting vibe in amongst the trees
Santa Elena Cloud Forest

Monteverde is a cloud forest and a very pretty one at that. I went for a jungle night walk which was on my list of things to here. I went with a company that my hostel works with. It was a great time and we spotted a lot of wildlife. The jungle really does come alive at night. I wanted to do the ziplines here but due to the cyclone rolling through everything was closed. I did manage to venture out in the rain and into Santa Elena cloud forest which was cool to see and cost US$16 with transport. So, it was slightly cheaper than the Monteverde cloud forest. The rest of the time was sat indoors hoping the weather would clear up a little.

The Breath-Taking Manuel Antonio National Park – 2 Nights

Spider monkey hiding up in a tree
A Spider Monkey

This national park was by far my favourite. We spend a day walking around it and the number of monkeys we saw was unreal. This place was truly beautiful. Not only is there a jungle it sits on the coastline too. The beaches were just as incredible as the jungle. The beaches were filled with golden sand and clear, blue water. Perfection. I would recommend adding a day here just to enjoy the beaches and maybe have a surf lesson! The entry was US$16 and it had to be brought online before arrival. The bus runs from Quepos (the nearest town) to Manuel Antonio regularly and for 350C each way.

Unique Uvita – 3 Nights

Waterfall falling over the rocks on a stop from a 2-week itinerary through Costa Rica
Nauyaca Waterfall

The last stop in the 2-week itinerary for Costa Rica was this beachside town: Uvita. However, this town is very spread out. There I would recommend choosing a hostel that is near the beach. Uvita is home to the whale tail bay which can only really be seen by air. Here, we caught a local bus to the Nauyaca Waterfall. This waterfall was amazing and worth the hike or visit. We choose to hike 6km each way to the waterfall and back. The hike was very up and down. Yet, the hard work was worth it because of the reward of the waterfall. The hiking cost US$10. There are options to ride a horse or take a 4×4. We got to the ticket office at the opening therefore when we arrived at the falls we had it to ourselves for a while. A great bonus.

Also, check out my other guides here!!

A 2-Week Adventure Through Guatemala

Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links meaning I earn a small percentage of every purchase at no cost to you.

This is the route I took through Guatemala. I stuck to the ‘touristy’ areas which were all completely safe. Also, we travelled around on tourist shuttles which were heavily advised to do. It was more expensive but a lot safer than the chicken buses. Again, have a read of where I went and choose a route that suits your interests.

Flores Island – 2 Nights

me with the ruin temple towering over me
Tikal National Park

This small island sits on a lake and is so small you can walk around it within an hour. The island itself is cute and worth stopping by to catch a good sunset and maybe have some fun over on the rope swing. I was here to visit Tikal National Park. This place was amazing. The entrance fee is Q150, the tourist bus there and back Q15 or Q100 with a guide. I opted for no guide but I would recommend going with the guide. This way you won’t get lost and you will be provided with information about the ruins you are looking at. The wildlife here is insane so don’t forget to look out for monkeys!!

Lanquin – 2 Nights

Waterfall Pools lined with lush green forest
Semuc Champey Pools

Getting to Lanquin is a bit of a nightmare. It is a very long bus ride around 10-12 hours. Also, it isn’t a very pleasant journey. The road winds around mountain range after mountain range. Also, there is another long journey to leave for the next destination too. So, if you are pressed for time maybe this stop is not worth it for you.

Semuc Champey is beautiful and enchanting; however, in my opinion, I am not sure the long journey is worth it. I have seen better. The entrance is only Q50 just for the hike and access to the pools. There is also a tour option that includes tubing and exploring caves by candlelight. This costs around Q170. You get from your accommodation in Lanquin to the pools in a pick-up ride for Q20 each way. This again is a rough 4×4 journey up narrow bumpy roads stood in the back of the truck. So I would give it some thought to see if it is worth it for you!

Lake Atitlan – 4 Nights

A view over looking small villages along Lake Atitlan

This massive lake is not to be missed. It is a common backpacker stop with each lake-side village offering something different from one another. I stayed in the party village of San Pedro but it is easy to visit each village by boat. The journeys cost between Q5-Q20 depending on how far you are going. I visited the hippie village of San Martin and the cool San Juan.

Also, the other activity here is to hike the Indian Nose at sunrise. You have to book this through a tour as it makes it safer. The tour can cost between Q85-Q100 depending on how much of a hard bargain you can drive.

Antigua – 5 Nights

Homemade chocolate in the moulds
Chocolate Making

This town has a great charm and I really enjoyed spending a bit of time here. There is a cool viewpoint that has a volcano as a backdrop so make sure before you climb there is no cloud in the sky that could possibly ruin the view.

In Antigua, I did a chocolate-making class which I recommend as well as staying at Somos Hostel. The chocolate class was with Ek Chumel for Q100 or Q90 if you stay at Somos. This town is just simply nice to walk around and see all the different buildings.

Volcan Fuego Erupting at Sunrise
Volcan Fuego at Sunrise

The main attraction for backpackers is the Volcan Ancatengo Hike. This is a 24-hour hike straight up a volcano to see the neighbouring Volcan Fuego erupting long into the night. I went with Soy Tours which cost Q450 for the trip. Optional extras were a bag carrier Q200 (which I would recommend as you have to carry all your water) and Q200 to hike extra to Volcan Fuego. Soy Tours is one of the two companies that camp on the sunset side. Ultimately this is what helped me make my decision on who to go with because of the better camping spot.

If you enjoyed this blog itinerary you should check out my ultimate month in Mexico.

An Ultimate Month in Mexico

This is the ultimate month in Mexico route that I followed. However, I chose these places based on other blogs I had read. Then I selected what I would find interesting. Therefore my advice would be for you to do the same. Use this guide to help you make the perfect itinerary for yourself.

Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links meaning I earn a small percentage of every purchase at no cost to you.

All prices are correct as of May 2022

Mexico City – 3 Nights

me sitting down enjoying the Teohiuacan ruins on the ultimate month in Mexico
Teotihuacan Ruins

I started this trip in Mexico City and the first thing I did was a free walking tour. This is a great way to see the highlights and learn about the city. I just found one online from a basic Google search and went along to the meeting point. These do work on a tip basis so make sure you bring some cash with you.

Teotihuacan Ruins is a day trip from Mexico City. It is pretty easy to get there with local transport or a tour. First, you get the metro to Autobus del Norte metro station (MXN5 per trip). For females there is a women’s and children-only section, I would advise you to use this. My trip was hassle-free but not all are. Next leave the metro station and the bus station is directly in front of you. At the bus station look for the ticket office labelled ‘Piramides’ and the bus leaves through gate 8. This costs MXN 52 for each way. The bus does take a while (roughly an hour) as it stops many times to pick people up however it drops you by the entrance gate 2. The ticket price for the ruins is MXN 75. To get back to Mexico City you do the route in reverse.

The Colourful Puebla City – 1 Night

A beautiful coulorful street full of houses
Puebla City

Here we ended up just walking around the streets. These were so pretty and colourful. I would add this to your trip as it is a simple 2-hour bus ride from Mexico City. I caught the ADO buses throughout Mexico. It was simple to book through their App and they cover the majority of the country. Unfortunately, we were here on a public holiday therefore everything was shut. Hence just walking around was the only activity I did.

Beautiful Oaxaca City – 3 Nights

This walking tour was very good and the guide spoke very good English. Again, I would always recommend a free walking tour as it is a great way to get your bearings in a new place. Remember, these work on a tip basis.

ME standing looking over the valley
Hierve el Agua

Hierve el Agua is a beautiful waterfall 45km from Oaxaca City. It was simple enough to get to using local transport. First, you can catch a bus (MXN20) from the second-class bus terminal to San Pedro de Mitla. The company for this bus is ‘Goma’. The information online says it comes every 15 minutes but we ended up waiting nearly 2 hours that morning. Crazy. Next was the pick-up truck up the mountain. I should warn you that they cram in as many people as possible. I paid MXN75 each way and we were a total of 11.

Along the way, you have to pay the ‘town tax’ of MXN10-15. Yes, really, the locals have made this up but you can’t get around it and finally the entrance fee of MXN50. Again, to get back follow the same route but in reserve. Also if you are a solo traveller a tour would be a great way to meet people.

Monte Alban ruins is a perfect morning out as it is only 10 km from the centre. I got the tourist mini-bus at 8 in the morning costing MXN100 for both ways. It was worth it as I arrived before the crowds and enjoyed Monte Alban in peace for a short while. The entrance costs MXN70. After exploring for a couple of hours I got the mini-bus back at 12pm. That was plenty of time to wander around and explore.

Amazing Puerto Escondido – 3 Nights

my turtle in a coconut ready for release on the ultimate month in Mexico trip
Turtle Release on Puerto Escondido

After exploring three cities I was ready to explore the beaches of Puerto Escondido on this ultimate month in Mexico adventure. I did just that by foot. I explored the coastline simply by walking to a different beach each day sometimes two in one day. The only activity I did was the realising of a turtle. This cost MXN100. I had read good reviews about the company online however once there it did feel that they cared more about the money than the turtles. In future, I would skip this experience.

San Cristobal – 2 Nights

El Chiflon Waterfall was the reason we stopped by San Cristobal. The waterfall was still 3 hours away by local transport. The journey there included a straightforward ADO bus to Comitan then a colectivo to El Chiflon (MXN35 each way). The entrance was MXN50. This place is incredible and definitely worth the trip on the local transport or guided tour. Again, reserve the route back to San Cristobal.

Beautiful Isla Mujeres – 4 Nights

a yellow and orange sunset over the clam sea
Sunset on Isla Mujeres

This island felt very touristy and it was more appealing as a 2-week holiday destination rather than a backpacking experience. To get over to the island I got the ferry with Ultramar costing MXN362 for a roundtrip. Once, on the island, we explored the beaches and the southern point of the island. This place does have some good snorkel sites you can access through tours.

Cozumel – 3 Nights

I did a shore scuba dive here to see if I like scuba diving still. The answer is yes. I didn’t see much marine life on this dive but people who went out on the boat saw lots. So, even if you want to try scuba diving for the first time I recommend going out on the boat. Also, I cycled to the beaches on the far side of the island as they aren’t lined with beach clubs; however, they were full of seaweed but still so beautiful. If you like beach clubs then you will find a great spot with good snorkelling and free of seaweed.

Vibrant Valladolid – 2 Nights

Ruins at Chicken Itza
Chichen Itza

This was a last-minute change to the ultimate month in Mexico as once I researched Chichen Itza, I felt it was best to go from Valladolid. The town is very cute and colourful much like Puebla.

Chichen Itza is a world wonder therefore it was a must-stop for me. To get there I took the 7am colectivo from a car park opposite the ADO bus station. The entrance fee was expensive at MXN571, MXN80 has to be paid in cash and the rest was either cash or card. If you plan well you can visit a nearby cenote before heading back to Valladolid.

Also, I visited Cenote Oxman whilst here. I got a taxi both ways for a good price and an even better price on the way back. I did get lucky as a taxi was dropping more people off as I left. This is a cool underground cenote with a nice pool area to chill out in after.


Touristy Tulum – 3 Nights

The second to last stop on an ultimate month in Mexico adventure was the very overrated touristy Tulum. Yet, if you don’t mind paying for beach access through many wonderful beach clubs then you will enjoy this place more than I did. I rented a scooter (MXN500) for the day. I visited Akumal Bay to see the turtles that feed there. However, this experience was very unpleasant. You have to pay to even access the beach. Also, they try and stop you from swimming in a certain area of the sea where they run the snorkel tours. It is possible to see turtles for free with great patience and ignoring the locals telling you where you can swim.

Incredible Laguna Bacalar – 2 Nights

A boat perfectly framed by two beams floating on lake bacalar. The last stop on an ultimate month in Mexico
Lake Bacalar

The last stop on an ultimate month in Mexico was this gorgeous lake. The lake was beautiful and there are two free spots to sit on a deck and enjoy. The water here is known for having 7 different shades of blue. The town itself isn’t much but it getting more discovered by tourists. So, get there quickly before it is overrun just like Tulum.

You can read about my other experiences in other countries here.