The Greatest Grand Show in the World – Calgary Stampede

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Part 3

Sunday 14th July 2019 – The Final Grand Show

Finally, is it the last day of the Calgary Stampede and the final Grand Show, well for 2019 anyway.  ‘The greatest outdoor show on earth’; is a statement I agree with now having witnessed so many different events. It didn’t disappoint and I was kind of sad for this to be the last day. I didn’t want this experience to end. I was fully entertained throughout the three days that my friend and I spent on the grounds in Calgary. We fully submerged ourselves in all the Calgary Stampede had to offer. I felt like a tourist the whole time as this was the first time experiencing what I call ‘real country’. Yes, country music is my favourite.

The German Light Show

This incredible piece of art by a very talented German group of people. As a member of the audience, the slow movement of the light as it travelled across the stage draws you in. There was a giant and a star as the main characters in the story that it was telling. In addition, you really got the feeling that this particular giant was friendly and had compassion for the star. The show was very well put together leaving you unable to look away. A real masterpiece.

The Calgary Stampede Fair Ground

There are many rides and games on offer to keep you entertained between competitions. Although, we only went on the Cable Car to get a bird’s eye view of the grounds. I personally didn’t enjoy this because the wind picked up making the cable car sway and stopping it every 3 seconds. 

In amongst the fairground was the Freestyle Motor-Cross Show. Dirt bikes put on a show consisting of high-flying flips and daring tricks. The danger factor shone on through and left the audience gasping as the rider tried a variety of tricks.

The Heavy Horse Pull Competition

Two horses pulling weight in heavy horse pull competition on the Grand Show Day
Heavy Horse Pull

I think this event gripped me the most. This was all about the power of this breed of horse. They look great and the size of them! Quite unbelievable. The arena was dead silent. You could feel the anticipation throughout the crowd as everyone silently watched the competition. As the weight was attached the horses settled, and on commend, they pulled.

The beauty of these horses was impressive, however, the amount of weight that they can pull was even more impressive. The winner won because they moved 13,000 lbs. Yes, you read that right 13,000 lbs. The winners tried for the recorded but just fell short… the attempt was 13,400 lbs.

Yet, what struck me more was the unity between competitors. The united front no matter what. This is a theme throughout the Rodeo. The equipment from one team snapped as the horses attempted to pull the weight. Everyone’s reaction was quick, horses checked over, all good. Another team lent their expensive equipment so the team could try to attempt the record again. No hesitation in the choice they made. Great sportsmanship.

The Final Grand Show

Our final event in what has been an action-packed weekend. Also, I would love to come back every year to witness ‘the greatest outdoor show on earth’. The Grand Show was packed with the last rodeo event, a show by the Trailblazers, and a firework display.

The Chuck-Wagon Race Competition

The start of a chuck wagon race at the Grand Show
Chuck Wagon Racing

Chuck-Wagon racing is where four thoroughbreds pull a wagon around the racetrack. The wagon has two flankers (2 single horses and riders) who also race around the track. Before heading around the track, they have to go around a barrel. It was exciting to watch as everyone cheered as they made their way around.

As the last race got underway the four teams were neck and neck as they came around the third corner. The race was so intense you couldn’t take your eyes off the pack as they came along the home straight. That’s where you noticed it, one team was missing. All the flankers for each team raced back to that third corner where the crash happened.

The back-room staff was quick to cover the area so the public could no longer see. Unfortunately, as quick as they were, you only saw one horse get up. It is with great sadness that three horses passed away during that race. For this reason, it reminded me of The Grand National Horse Race from England, and not in a positive way. The Grand National sometimes ends up with an injured horse being put down.

This time it was under the worst circumstance that the compassion and sportsmanship were again on display. The theme throughout the rodeo. No horse or man was left behind.

The Trail Blazers Grand Show

After, all the events of the weekend the 132 young Canadians take to the stage every night to wow the audience with their show. The show was full of energy from start to finish. It was amazing to watch and I’m sure many of those young Canadians have good careers in front of them.

The Final Firework Show

The last hooray to what has been an incredible last three days of ‘the greatest outdoor show on earth’. I have been left with a thirst for The Rodeo, it is something I could go and see every weekend. This incredible experience ended with a simply beautiful firework display. A fantastic grand show finishes a great weekend.

The grand show fireworks at the Calgary Stampede
The Spectacular Fireworks

The Calgary Stampede – ‘The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth’

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Part 1

I was so excited, ever since I saw the Calgary Stampede advertised and knew I was going to Canada; this event had to be on my schedule. Yes, I love anything to do with country. Expect horse riding. We had this booked before we set off on the road trip to guarantee seats to the events. Unfortunately, I got sick just before so the past week we had been resting and taking it easy. So, by the time we got to the stampede I was ready to throw myself into all, there was to see and do.

Three Days at The Calgary Stampede

A sign at the Calgary Stampede saying 'I'm a Little Country and I'm a little bit rock 'n' roll'
I’m A Little Bit Country…

The stampede didn’t disappoint, there was so much to see. The grounds were huge and lots of different areas to explore throughout our three days here. I wanted to see as much as possible. All the events except the Rodeo and The Grand Show were on a day ticket. You do have to purchase the two main events separately. However, these did include the day pass into all of the grounds. Luckily the Rodeo and Grand Show are on every single day of the event. So, you shouldn’t miss out.

Friday 12th July 2019 – Calgary Stampede

Our first day at the stampede was a last-minute decision because we arrived in Calgary early and the excitement was just too much to wait another day, so we went on Friday as well. Yes, I know sad!

Wow! The grounds are so big, colourful and full of things to explore. There are many different areas; the fairground, food stalls, Cola-Cola music stage, Western Event Centre, and Elbow River Camp to name a few.

Miniature Horse Competition

This was our first stop for the weekend. The miniature horses attached to a small cart had an obstacle course to complete. Miniature being a keyword… had me thinking that this would be a children’s event. But no full-grown adults were instructing the horses. It was kind of funny seeing them sitting in their small carts.

Nonetheless, the concretion and seriousness of the competitors were strong. Everyone wanted to win instead of enjoying it. However, the pressure got too much for one of the finalists and she ended up missing half the course. She took this competition so serious that she even questioned the judges. This event built up the excitement for many more.

Sheep Sheering Competition

This was such a frill; I would never be able to hold a sheep still and give it a perfect haircut. Yet, these competitors did just that, not only do the sheep have to look good but time was a factor. The time factor added intensity to the competition. The men and women who took part were very talented at what they do.

A Football Dog Show

I am not a big dog lover (don’t hate me) but give me a dog show as entertaining as this and you might be able to covert me. All the dogs involved were rescues and very talented.  They had to conquer many different obstacles. The show was well thought out and full of entertainment; we were definitely not bored. One act that stood out was a girl dancing with not 1 but 3 dogs. I can’t even control one on a walk so to dance with three impressed me. This was a fantastic show.

The Western Oasis Stage

The place that played old-school country music. My favourite type of music. Yes, country is what I choose to play. I am not ashamed of this. I’m okay with people knowing. However, the band that was on stage when we got there was bad and not all that enjoyable. Luckily there was amazing photography and artwork on display. 

The Elbow River Camp

A tipi at the Elbow River Camp at Calgary Stampede
One of the Many Tee-Pee’s at Elbow River

This area was for the indigenous people of Canadian. There are 7 First Nations all from the Treaty 7 Nations that display their traditions and culture. On show to the public were the pretty tipi’s, jewellery, bannock and traditional dancing as well as much much more. I enjoy learning and diving into new cultures, one of the many reasons why I travel.

The Calgary Stampede Talent Search

The talent show was in the semi-final round and full of young talent. They give extraordinary prizes to the winner. The competition was sharp and tough. We got to vote for our favourite, this is a difficult choice as all deserved to win. You do have to queue a little ahead of the start time to be able to get a seat. It was a popular show.

Agriculture Area – Full of Amazing Animals

Wow, what can I say? All animals are so well cared for. The areas were clean and spacious. The condition of each and every animal was insane. None were neglected only pumped full of love. You have every farm animal so there is something for everyone.

What a first day at the Calgary Stampede, read here about day two.

Stanley Park – An Epic Day Out in Downtown Vancouver

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I am taking you back to my Summer Road Trip 2019 with a friend from home. The trip started out on the West Coast of Canada; Vancouver. The city combines city life and nature, with the Mountains in the North. Firstly, was a ride around Stanley Park.

Stanley Park. Bicycles. What Could Happen?

The bridge walkway to the entrance of Stanley Park surrounded by greenery
Eager To Explore Stanley Park

I’m joking, all we had to do was ride our bikes around the beautiful Stanley Park. Stanley Park is outlined by an 8 km seawall and covers over 400 hectares. This incredible rainforest on the west coast located in Downtown Vancouver is simply breathtaking. We rented our bicycles from a shop across from the park yet there are many stores that do rentals, so I would recommend visiting a couple to find the best deal. It was the beginning of our self-made tour. We were excited and eager to start so we didn’t listen to the briefing about how to use them… all bicycles are the same right?!

Two cute bikes next to a body of water in Stanley Park
Bicycles for Our Ride Around Stanley Park

There are various things to see throughout the 27 kilometres network of trails that Stanley Park has to offer. Yet we didn’t cover them all… we aren’t athletes after all. Nevertheless, this was about a leisurely ride to enjoy the sun, take in some fresh air and see what nature had to offer. Firstly, we rode to the Second and Third Beaches. These weren’t the cleanest and the sea didn’t look all that inviting which was a shame. Off we headed into the trees.

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Lion’s Gate Bridge, Vancouver

The view of Lions Gate Bridge over the sea with a mountain in the background
The Lions Gate Bridge into Downtown Vancouver

Somehow, not quite sure how but we ended up at the Lion’s Gate Bridge. This bridge connects Northern Vancouver with the core of Downtown. We cycled along the path for a bit until a view back across Stanley Park was visible. Besides, the ride was into a strong headwind and uphill slightly making this the least favourite moment of the day. Also, this was less enjoyable as the heavy traffic noise replaced the birds singing. Although, the suspension bridge is impressive in itself. However, in my opinion, the best view of it is from the other side of Stanley Park.

Beaver Lake, Stanley Park

Me standing in front of one of the oldest giant cedar trees in Stanley Park
One of the Giant Cedar Trees

We pedalled along the vast network of trails over the three hours that we hired the bikes. As we explored, we came across a variety of gigantic trees including Western Red Cedar, Western Hemlock and Douglas Fir to name a few. Whilst enjoying what nature had to offer, we made our way to Beaver Lake. Beaver Lake is a small lake situated in the middle of Stanley Park. For the most part, one can only assume it got its name from the animal. However, I’m not sure as there wasn’t any about that morning.  Also, there is no swimming or boats allowed but you can enjoy a nice stroll around it.

The Totem Poles in Stanley Park

On our way to the Totem Poles at Brockton Point, we paid a visit to the famous Hollow Tree. It was exactly that, a large hollow tree, pretty impressive. There are 9 totem poles in Stanley Park from different British Colombia First Nations. They are easier enough to find when following the seawall for around 10-15 minutes. Also, the herds of people will show you have found what you are looking for.

The Stanley Park Seawall View

Finally, we made it out of the trees onto the water’s edge (who knew Stanley Park seawall was a one-way system for bikes). Yes, we were going the wrong way. Funny enough we seemed to be the only people who made this mistake. Subsequently, my advice would be to go the right way, Canadians are very particular about this. Undoubtedly, the view back across the city will never get old. This wasn’t the first time I was seeing it but it was still as amazing as the first. The skyscraper skyline along with the sun shining and the water glistening is perfection. Towards the end, I found the brakes, a backwards pedal… who knew! Strange and awkward to get used to, fortunately only one tree got in my way! Success.

Me riding the bike down a paved seawall at Stanley Park
A Successful Day on the Bicycles

‘Meet’ – A Gastown Vancouver Restaurant

Well, after a long ride and an even longer walk to get to one of my favourites restaurants in Vancouver. I certainly had an appetite. This restaurant was introduced to me by some fellow travellers. The boys went on about how good the burgers were… yet they didn’t know it was actually meatless!! It was indeed a vegan restaurant with two locations in Downtown Vancouver; Gas Town and Main Street. Another, meal that didn’t disappoint and to top it off I can enjoy a dessert. The lemon tart was my choice this time. Without a doubt, I highly recommend this place if you are looking for food.